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Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Den ubestemte artikel:

·       Den har to former, a og an
·       "a" bruges foran konsonanter:
A girl - a toy - a flower
·       "an" bruges foran vokaler:
An interview, an organisation, an urban life

Undtagelser hvor man på engelsk har ubestemt artikel, men på dansk ikke har:
·       Foran tællelige substantiver, der angiver en af "slagsen":
She took a seat = Hun tog plads
·       I en række særlige vendinger:
She was in a hurry = Han havde travlt
·       Foran betegnelse af nationalitet, en stilling eller en anden benævnelse, om flere personer:
He's a Dane = Han er dansker
·       Som svækket talord i visse forbindelser:
He said a thousand words = Han sagde tusinde ord
(I modsætning til dansk bliver a eller one ikke udeladt foran hundred og thousand

Enkelte undtagelser hvor man på engelsk ikke har ubestemt artikel, men på dansk har:
·       Ved "plenty of". They had plenty of money
·       Normalt ved "part of" (medmindre der står et adjektiv foran, eller hvis betydningen er af "en bestemt afgrænset del") Fyn is a part of Denmark 

Den bestemte artikel

Den bestemte artikel er The

Brugen af bestemt artikel foran et substantiv på engelsk svarer meget ofte til brugen af bestemt form af et substantiv på dansk:
The singer is very famous. = sangeren er meget berømt.

I en række tilfælde bruger engelsk bestemt artikel, hvor dansk ikke har bestemt form:
- Ved angivelse af verdenshjørner samt left and right              ÷ dog ikke ved modsætninger eller hvis ordene bruges som adverbier.
The wind is blowing from the north. 
Ÿ - Ved substantiv + of-konstruktion
He is the owner of the house.
    ÷ in spite of, by way of, in case of, in front of, by means of , on top of
- Ÿ i forbindelse med following, same, former, latter:
She has sent me the following  short note.
- Ÿ Ved play + navnet på musikinstrument
Can you play the trombone?
Ÿ-  Sammen med ordenstal
They met each other for the first time.
Ÿ-  Ved de fleste grammatiske betegnelser.
The verb is either in the present or the past.
Ÿ man bruger bestemt artikel ved hvad der svarer til det danske – jo og desto.
 The more the merrier

I en række tilfælde har engelsk ikke artikel, hvor dansk har bestemt form:
- Ÿ ved utællelige substantiver, der betegner noget generelt. Eks. Life, science, nature og time.
He is tired of life.
- Bestemt artikel bruges dog, hvis der tale om en afgrænsning, eller hvis der følger en bestemmelse bagefter.
I’ve read about the life of Shakespeare
Ÿ-  Man bruger man og woman uden nogen artikel, når det bruges generelt: manden, mennesket, kvinden.
Man is superior to all other creatures.
- Ÿ ved en række faste udtryk:
At present
In future
At hand
Ÿ-  Man bruger ikke bestemt artikel navneord som bed, church, town, university, school, class og table, når det drejer sig om funktionen, men hvis det er en bestemt kirke eller seng knytter man en artikel til navneordet.
My father is in Hospital This is the hospital where I was born.
Ÿ på samme måde gælder måltider, årstider, højtider, ugedage samt day and night på engelsk.
Dinner is a lovely thing The dinner  was great
- Ÿ Ved transportmidler undlades artikler også
I travelled by bus.
Ÿ-  Bestemt artikel undlades foran most og one
Most people live inside.
- Ÿ oftest  bruges bestemt artikel ved egennavne på engelsk. Dvs. navne på Lande, byer, hoteller, restauranter, teatre, biografer, skibe, floder, aviser 
÷ navne på blade og magasiner
The Aldwych 

Spørgende og relative pronominer

Spørgende og relative pronominer

Who, whom, whose, which, what og that

Spørgende pronominer

Who og  whom bruges kun om personer

-       Who (=hvem) bruges som subjekt (x) og som omsagnsled til grundled
-       Whom (=hvem) bruges som objekt () og efter præposition (Ä)
                      Eksempel: She asked whom he had met
                                        To whom did you send this parcel?

Whose, which og what kan bruges om både ting og personer

-       Whose (=hvis) er genitiv
-       Which (=hvem, hvilke(n)) bruges kun når der spørges om hvem/hvilke(n) af et begrænset antal
-       What (=hvad) bruges om ikke-person når der ikke spørges om et begrænset antal
                     Eksempel: What is the next station?
-       What bruges om person når der spørges om karakteristik, erhverv og lign.
-       What (=hvilke(n)) bruges i udråb og lign.
                     Eksempel: What a beautiful dress

Relative pronominer

-       Who, whom og whose bruges ligesom spørgende pronominer
-       Which kan i relative sætninger kun bruges om ting
-       That bruges både om personer og ting, i stedet for which og whom i bestemmende relativsætninger (se næste afsnit)
-       What (=det, som, hvad) viser altid fremad
Eksempel: My mother called which was nice, but what was worse, she talked for an hour
Which viser tilbage til det faktum at “my mother called”
What viser frem til det faktum “she talked for an hour”

Relative pronominer henviser til de foregående substantiv eller pronomen i en sætning
Verbet i relativsætningen bøjes efter samme tal som substantivet/pronominet

Bestemmende relativsætninger
Relativsætningen er bestemmende/nødvendig og kan derfor ikke udelades, uden at sætningen ændrer betydning (der sættes ikke komma!)
                     Eksempel: The students who came to class passed their exams

-       Who, whose, whom, which og that bruges i bestemmende relativsætninger

Parentetiske relativsætninger
Relativsætningen er en ekstra oplysning, som ikke er nødvendig for betydningen og den kan derfor udelades (der sættes komma!)             

                     Eksempel: The students, who came to class, passed their exams

Egenavne følges altid af parentetiske relativsætninger (der sættes komma!)

-       Who, whose, whom og which bruges i parentetiske relativsætninger 

- Maria, Annemette og Astrid 

Verbets tider

De regelmæssige verbers tider

På engelsk bøjes regelmæssige verber i simpel tid og udvidet tid. Under både simpel tid og udvidet tid findes tiderne:

-          Infinitiv(Grundstammen)
-          Præsens(Nutid)
-          Imperfektum(Datid)
-          Perfektum(Førnutid)
-          Pluskvamperfektum(Førdatid)
-          Futurum(Fremtid)

1) I udvidet tid bøjes alle formerne med be + stammen+ing.
Fx He has been playing.

2) I simpel tid bøjes tiderne forskelligt:
Fx play

I play – med undtagelse af 3.person ental – He plays

I played, you played, osv.

I have played, he/she/it has played

I had played

I will play/ They shall play/He will be about to play/We will be going to play

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was famous for his writings for which he also received the Nobel prize in literature in 1954. He was awarded the prize in 1954 for the intense masculinity of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life.

Ernest Hemingway died on July 2nd 1961 in an age of 65 years, in his home in Ketchum, Idaho.
Ernest Hemingway was born 21st of July 1899 in the Upscale Chicago Illinois.
His father Clarence was a physician, and his mother Grace was former opera singer.
His literary style, that is known as “The Iceberg Technique” is characteristic for a new, lean, clear prose based on action rather than reflection. He employed a technique in which he would leave out essential information about the story under the belief that omission can sometimes add strength to a narrative. It was a style of subtlety which contrasted greatly (and in a way enhanced) the themes he wrote about...war, blood and sports - like bullfighting or boxing, crime, etc.

Ernest Hemingway had some special "code" heroes, who almost always had the same characteristics. The hero does not let his fear get to him, and he is courageous, confident and introspective. The hero is introduced differently and changes between being old and young. It is a normal person, who through the story turns into a hero. Some of the heroes, for example his character Nick reflects Hemingway himself in many ways.

Contrary Hemingway's very masculine men, his women are very feminine. The reader gets to know the women as either love objects or anti-love figures.

He writes about two types of women the so-called "all-woman" who submits herself entirely to the hero of the story, and the so-called "femme fatale" who contains an individual woman and makes sure that the hero could never possess her completely.

In Hemingway’s opinion, the so-called "all-woman" is the most acceptable. His opinion about women was greatly influenced by his relationship to his mother, who he blamed for his father’s suicide. 

His private life, was in many ways reflected in his literature. Ernest Hemingway became known for travelling a lot. Part of his life, he lived in Key West. He lived in Key West with his wife Mary, for more than ten years, they stayed mostly because of the nature and due to the fact that Ernest loved fishing.

 Ernest Hemingway's wife Mary was also the one who found him for the last time in their house.
Anne og Christina.



Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in the upscale Chicago of Oak Park, Illinois. He was the second of six children and a son of a physician and a former opera performer. Not surprising; Heming turned out to be one of the greatest authors of America. Unfortunately he was found dead this morning, and until now the police has only expressed that his death was caused by suicide.
The life of Hemingway is remarkable. It was marked by success, impressionism, artists, love affairs, marriages, kids, alcoholism and depressions. In his youth he lived in the Old Town Key West which was the place for the most famous authors of America. He lived and wrote here for more than ten years because of his attraction to the water. During WWI Hemingway still lived in America where he worked as an ambulance driver after having failed in the army. Later on he moved to Paris and Milan, where he fell in love with Agnes Von Kurowsky who did not return his love but instead she served as inspiration for one of Hemingsway’s novels.
After the war he got married with Elizabeth Hadley Richardson with whom he moved to Paris where he started working as a European correspondent. By 1927 Hemingway’s first marriage was over but the same year he married Pauline Pfeiffer, a fashion reporter from Paris. In 1928 Hemingway and Pfeiffer left Paris and moved to Key West. In the summer of 1933 they travelled to Africa for a safari, and through this trip Hemingway got an image as a great hunter and as an outdoorsman.  20 years later Hemingway returned to Africa with his fourth wife. 
In 1936 - a year after the start of the Spanish Civil War - Hemingway went to Spain to cover the conflict for the American Newspaper. He worked together with a woman named Martha Gellhorn with whom he got married in 1940 and afterwards they moved to Cuba for 20 years. In 1944 Hemingway travelled back to Europe to report on World War II. His first stop was London, and here he met his fourth wife; a reporter named Mary Welsh. In this period Hemingway wrote his most famous book; The Old Man and the Sea which garnered him a Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and a Nobel Prize in literature in 1954. Hemingway ended up spending the rest of his days in Ketchum, Idaho, a small community outside Sun Valley.
During his life Hemingway pioneered a new style of writing where he did away with all the florid prose of the 19th century Victorian era and replaced it with a lean, clear prose based on action rather than reflection. His writing style is characterized by a technique by which he would leave out essential information of the story under the belief that omission can sometimes add strength to a narrative. It was a style of subtlety which contrasted greatly his themes.
Besides his writing style Hemingway is well known for his “code heroes”. ‘The men from his stories do all have different qualities with the one thing in common; they are grace under pressure. Opposite his view on men he saw woman as manipulators (this thought may be caused by the way he viewed his mother) but still he created a phenomenon “all-woman” (a femme-fatale described by her beauty and submissive to the hero).
All things considered Hemingway was a legend, who we with deep regret have lost today. He changed the literature and made deep impressions all over the world. 

Annemette Floridon, Anna Kyhn
American Newspaper
July 2nd, 1961

Monday, September 10, 2012

A man can be destroyed but not defeated
Death: Ernest Hemmingway the famous modernist writer is dead, 62 years old.
Ernest Hemmingway once said: “A man can be destroyed but not defeated”. Now he is defeated. Ernest Hemmingway is dead, 62 years old. His full name was Ernest Miller Hemmingway. The surname is American and one of the finest within the art of writing. The father was a physician, and his mother a former opera performer. Despite his father’s objections
Success from the beginning
When Ernest Hemmingway began in high school he showed a special talent for writing. He wrote for the school newspaper and for the yearbook Tabula. Hemmingway was so into writing that he decided to drop an education to put all his strength into writing. He got a job at the Kansas City Star, which he got heavily inspired by. His short period of time at the paper influenced his style of writing by using the short declarative statements. Hemmingway selected only the elements essential to the story and push everything else away. He kept his prose direct and unadorned. Using a technique he called “iceberg principle”.   
Alcohol, divorces, moving and depression  
Ernest Hemmingway ended his life at his home in Ketchum, Idaho. He spent a lot of time moving around the world in a mix of working and writing. Due to lack of sight Hemmingway could not join the US army. Instead he signed up to drive an ambulance in Italy during World War 1. He was being hospitalized because of a bad injury and fell in love with a nurse who took care of him. Unlucky their relationship did not last. Many people believe that he wrote he famous novel, “A Farewell to Arms”. Ernest Hemmingway also spent several years in Key West. In Key West Hemmingway was able to do the sport he was so in love with: sailing. In more than ten years he sailed and wrote in Key West. In the face of success and wealth, depression and drinking lured underneath. Within the last twenty years of his life he consumed a quarter of whiskey every day. This alcoholism may be the cause of a depression which plagued him in his late life. Martin Schultz.   


Last Sunday morning (July 2, 1961) the great author Ernest Miller Hemmingway was found dead, he committed suicide.
He was born on July 21, 1899. In his early life, he lived in Chicago with his father Clarence, a physician, and his mother Grace who was a former opera performer. During World War I, he graduated from High School. When he turned 18, he tried to enlist in the army. Unfortunately he was rejected because of poor vision. He became an ambulance driver instead. He was sent to Europe where he was badly wounded and hospitalized in Milan. He felt in love with the nurse Agnes von Kurowsky. Later he lived and wrote for more than ten years in Key West. He suffered through a lot of accidents and disorders in his life. He liked to drink a lot of whiskey, but it was not the alcohol that killed him though.
Hemingway will be remembered for his spectacular writing style. Highly important is, that he based his prose on action rather than reflection. His approach to women in his writing was mainly masculine. He did not go into their inner thoughts and feminine world. Hemingway’s “theory of omission" or "iceberg principle" is all about that if a writer knows enough about the stories topic, he may omit things that he knows. Then the reader will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. “The Hemingway Hero” is defined by a static set of characteristics. Always courageous, confident, and introspective. The Hero is expressed differently in each of his novels, though. Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, both for the intense masculinity of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life.
The funeral will be in Ketchum, Idaho, where Hemmingway lived since 1959.

Journalist: Nanna Mortensen